In working with staff as part of training in schools and educational settings, we work with teaching and support staff to equip them to understand developmental trauma and disorganised attachment in the children and young people they care for. We train and enable staff to recognise symptoms in those children, so that they can plan accordingly for them. Please note that this training does not ‘upskill’ school staff to become therapists, and we would always advocate that, in addition to working with JSA within a programme of staff training, schools should consider our School Group Therapy for more therapeutic based intervention with the children themselves.
Our training has been proven to really help school staff to recognise what they are dealing with when faced with certain behaviours or patterns, and this can be of huge support to such staff, who have so much to deal with when considering the health and wellbeing of the children under their care. If teachers and support staff can understand what they are faced with – or can anticipate being faced with – then they can plan and work more effectively with those children for the benefit of all parties.
People often refer to this kind of training as offering behaviour management strategies, and whilst we understand the importance of this term in education, at JSA we prefer to refer to it as helping to shape positive behaviour responses.
Our School Staff Training at JSA builds in essential time to look at secondary trauma and the stresses that teachers and support staff will likely face as a result of dealing with these particular children that we are working with. Put simply, our training works to improve resilience to allow the staff to cope, continue and function effectively in their vital roles.
The team at JSA can deliver a bespoke day of intensive training at a time that best suits the school’s training calendar. Ideally, all staff should attend, and so it may be efficient to schedule this for an inset day. Alternatively, staff from schools are welcome to take up a place on one of our scheduled days over at one of our North West offices. Whilst the provision on these days isn’t as tailored to a specific school or cohort of children, those in attendance can benefit from the networking opportunity. There will also be the chance to discuss scenarios and strategies with attendees from other schools, as well as other social care and education providers.
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